
Take a look at the Honeywell products we currently have in stock. The Safety Centre is a trusted supplier of many of the leading brands in safety products. Contact us now if you have an enquiry or use our Livechat feature to speak to an agent instantly.


Honeywell is a world leader in the manufacture of security products. The Safety Centre can provide a wide selection of Honeywell products and services.

At The Safety Centre, we are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers. We offer a wide range of Honeywell products at competitive prices, and our team of experts is always available to help customers find the right products for their specific needs. We also offer fast and reliable shipping, so customers can get the products they need when they need them.

Why choose Honeywell? For starters, they have a proven track record of producing high-quality safety products that can help keep you and your building’s occupants safe and sound. Their products are top-notch and have been tested time and time again to ensure that they're reliable and effective. Plus, Honeywell products are designed with ease of use in mind. They're intuitive and user-friendly.

Included in our range of Honeywell products;

Disabled refuge systems - Honeywell Disabled Refuge System is an innovative and effective solution for buildings that need to cater to the safety of disabled individuals during emergencies. The system allows disabled people to communicate with building management or rescue teams during an emergency situation when they are unable to exit the building safely. The system includes a range of components such as disabled refuge call points, disabled toilet alarms, induction loop systems, and outstations. These components are connected to the central control panel that provides two-way communication between the occupants and the building management team or rescue team. The system is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that disabled individuals can easily use the system without any additional assistance. The Honeywell Disabled Refuge System is fully compliant with the requirements of BS5839-9 and EN54-4 standards, ensuring the highest levels of safety and reliability. With the Honeywell Disabled Refuge System in place, building owners can rest assured that they are providing a safe and secure environment for all occupants, including those with disabilities.

Disabled toilet alarms - These alarms are designed to ensure the safety and security of disabled individuals who are using the bathroom.

Carbon monoxide detectors - Honeywell carbon monoxide detectors are designed to detect the presence of carbon monoxide gas in the air. Carbon monoxide is an odourless, colourless gas that can be lethal when inhaled in high concentrations.

As well as these products, we also stock various flame detectors, domestic detectors, gas detection systems, batteries, and voice alarm system equipment to keep your building’s occupants as safe as possible.

First established in 1885, Honeywell has a long and rich history, all leading up to the company being one of the world leaders in safety product innovation. They even assisted on the first moon mission, with 16,000 of their parts being used to aid Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Perhaps that’s why many people class their products as being ‘out of this world’.

We only stock the best quality fire safety brands, and Honeywell certainly falls into the high standards we set for the products we supply. 


Our Brands

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  • Electro Detectors Logo
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